مـــــدرســــــة ابونشـــابـــة الاعداديـــــــة
ادارة منتدى مدرسة ابونشابة الاعدادية ترحب بكم ةنرجوا منكم التسجيل لتكونوا احد اعضائنا ونرجوا المساهمة بمواضيع جيدة ليستفيد منها الجميع

انضم إلى المنتدى ، فالأمر سريع وسهل

مـــــدرســــــة ابونشـــابـــة الاعداديـــــــة
ادارة منتدى مدرسة ابونشابة الاعدادية ترحب بكم ةنرجوا منكم التسجيل لتكونوا احد اعضائنا ونرجوا المساهمة بمواضيع جيدة ليستفيد منها الجميع
مـــــدرســــــة ابونشـــابـــة الاعداديـــــــة
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

الجزء الاول من مذكرة اانجليزى للصف الثانى الاعدادى

اذهب الى الأسفل

الجزء الاول من مذكرة اانجليزى للصف الثانى الاعدادى Empty الجزء الاول من مذكرة اانجليزى للصف الثانى الاعدادى

مُساهمة من طرف ياسر احمد الإثنين أكتوبر 10, 2011 12:25 pm

Unit - 1

معمل علوم Science lab مدير الفندق hotel manager
أدوية medicines جامعة university
طباخ a cook ينتقل إلى move to
جراج garage عالم scientist
يدير manage يكمل complete
مدير manager زائر visitor
مصمم designer ضيف guest
اعدادي Preparatory عنوان address
مفضل Favourite يكون / استمارة form
خارج Outside يتهجى Spell
هواية Hobby يضاعف double
كرة الطائرة Volleyball جواز سفر Passport
موقع على شبكة الانترنت website أعزب single
يكتب write يمكث / يقيم stay
يرسل Send متزوج married
معلومات information تاريخ الميلاد date of birth
عظيم great مكان الميلاد Place of birth
يشكر Thank يرحب welcome
برنامج Programme لغز puzzle
عمر Age الناظر head teacher
اهتمامات interests يتعلم learn
يخمن guess يستمتع enjoy
يفحص check مصاب Injured
صفحة Page يعلم teach
بخار steam سائح Tourist
ثلاجة fridge مريح Comfortable
عطشان thirsty بائع في محل a sales assistant
تهب blow معمل كمبيوتر Computer lab
لا أحد no one مذيع تليفزيوني TV reporter
ينتظر wait مصمم أزياء Clothes designer
يتحول إلى Turn into فكرة idea
المعنى The meaning كاميرا camera
يغلي Boil قاموس dictionary
الرياح wind يبرد cool
يجفف dry يرتفع rise
بخار الماء Water vapour ثلج ice
تصريفات الأفعال verb conjugation
P.P past Present
guessed guessed يخمن guess
blown blew تهب blow
Turned Turned يتحول Turn
dried dried يجفف dry
checked checked يفحص check
risen rose يرتفع rise
cooled cooled يبرد Cool
told told يخبر tell
sent sent يرسلsend
Thanked Thanked يشكر Thank
thought thought يفكرthink
spoken spoke يتحدثspeak
taught taught يعلمteach
found found يجدfind
waited waited ينتظر wait
Spelled /spelt Spelled /spelt يتهجىspell
met met يقابلmeet
born bore يلدbear

كلمات الاستفهامQuestion Words
ما & ماذا ( تسأل عن شيء غير عاقل )What
What are you doing ? I'm reading a book .
أين ( تسأل عن المكان )Where Where do you live ? I live in Attaf .
متى ( تسأل عن الزمن )When
When do you get up ? I get up at seven o'clock .
ما الوقت (تسأل عن الوقت )What time
What time do you go to school ? I go to school at 8 o'clock .
لماذا ( تسأل عن السبب ) و تكون الإجابة بـــWhy because
Why are you late ? Because I got up late .
أي ( عند الاختيار – التفضيل )Which
Which car would you like ? I'd like the red car .
Which is heavier , a cow or a goat ? A cow is heavier .
لمن (تسأل عن الملكية )Whose
Whose pen is this ? It's Ali's pen .
كيف (تسأل عن الحال – وسيلة المواصلات )How
How are you ? I'm fine thanks .
How do you go to school ? I go to school by car .
كم عدد (تسأل عن العدد )How many How many cars are there ? There are five cars .
كم السعر – الكمية (تسأل عن الثمن – الكمية ) How much How much is the sugar ? It's three pounds a kilo .
How much water can a camel drink ? Three litres of water .
كم عمر (تسأل عن العمر )How old How old are you ? I'm thirteen years old .
كم المدة - المسافةHow long How long will you stay in Cairo ? I'll stay there for a week .
How long is the road to Cairo ? It's 60 kilometres long .
كم طول How tall How tall is Taha ? He is one Metre 45 tall .
كم مرة (تسأل عن عدد المرات )How often How often do you play football ? I play it twice a week .
كم وزن ( ـسأل عن الوزن ) How heavy How heavy is the girl ? She is 50 kilograms .
كم بعد (تسأل عن المسافة )How far How far is Cairo from Alex ? Cairo is 120 kilometres far from Alex .
كم سرعة (تسأل عن السرعة )How fast How fast can a camel run ? It can run 50 kilometres per hour .
كم اتساع How wide How wide is the Suez Canal ? It's 3 kilometres wide .
كم ارتفاعHow high How high is the mountain ? It is about 2313 metres high .
Choose the correct answer :
1 – A (shopkeeper -manager -scientist- worker ) does experiment in his lab
2- He has a good ( job – work –trade –homework ), he manage the school .
3-The director goes to his (job –work –craft –car ) at 8 o'clock .
4- There are ( little – much –lots of –lot ) people waiting for their turn .
5- He is the ( manager – worker –servant –clerk ) of the team . He directs the players
6- He was ( born –borne –bearing – bear ) in 1985 .
7- (You are –Are you –Do you – You have ) a teacher .
8- (Are you –You do –Do you –You will ) like playing football .
9- We ( carried – moved – ran – made ) to a new flat last week .
10- He ( meet – met – meets – meeting ) me every day .
11- The sun ( go – went – goes – going ) round the earth .
12- If you want to go to England , you must have a ( pass – passport – path – bin ) .
13-I cannot send him a letter because I don't know his (street-address-road-home ) .
14- When ( an enemy-a guest-visit-a guard ) visits me , I welcome him .
15- ( How many- How much- How long- How old ) does the watch cost ?
16- (What-When -Why –Where ) is your address ?
17-( What –Where – When – How ) do you live ? In Tanta .
18- ( What – Where – How – Why ) do you go to school ? To learn .
19- The (doctor – teacher –cook – assistant ) help me to buy what I want .
20- A ( mechanic –cook –farmer – teacher ) prepare meals .
21- I ( has –have –having – are ) new idea for clothes .
22- Are you ( married –marries –hurried –worried ) or single ?
23- I'm a newspaper (report –reported –reporter –reports ) .
24- The nurse works (to –with – of- from ) ill people .
25- The rooms in hotels must be ( dirty – comfortable –untidy –bad ) .
26-English is my favourite ( sport –hobby –subject –food ) .
27- I was born ( in –on –from – at ) Cairo .
28- My father works with tourists . He is a (doctor-teacher-hotel manager-farmer ) .
29- Have you got (some – any – much – a lot ) sisters ?
30-What (are – does –do – is ) your mother do ?
31- She is 12 years ( age –old – tall – fat ) .
32- Water becomes ( steam – ice – rain – cold ) when it is very hot .
33- When we freeze water , it turns into ( steam –ice –rain – hot ) .
34 He is naughty boy , ( everyone – no one –someone –anyone ) loves him .
35- We look up the meaning of words in ( an atlas –a dictionary-a map-a book ) .
36- The wind started to ( fly –fall –blow – fill ) .
37- The sun ( rises – raises –sits –sat ) in the east .
38- In the game puzzle we usually ( help –guess – ask – read ) the answer .
39- I'm (interest –interested – interesting –enjoying ) in Science .
40- I enjoy ( play –playing –plays – played ) football .
41-Where ( are –were –did – is ) you born ?
42- This website gives a lot of (money-information-internet-hobbies ) about Egypt .
43- He ( may –must –can – is ) run or he will be late .
44- Nader wants his friend ( for –to – at – on ) be careful .
45- I'd like (work –worked –works – to work ) in a science lab .
46- A TV reporter ( must –have to –shouldn't –mustn't ) think quickly and speak well
47- A ( TV reporter-teacher-clothes designer-scientist ) enjoys designing new clothes .
48-( What –Where –When – How ) school are you in ?
49- She'd ( likes – liked –like –liking ) to be a businessman .
50- Huda likes ( play –playing –plays – played ) tennis .
Write questions :
1 – She likes football and watching television . ( What )
2 – My family has moved to Cairo . ( Where )
3 – My place of birth is Cairo . ( What )
4 – I’m staying in a hotel for three weeks . ( How long )
5 – I must look at the camera all the time . ( What )
6 – She enjoys designing new clothes . ( What )
Correct the underlined words :
1 – I enjoy play football .
2 – You must play good .
3 – A doctor looks of his patients .
4 – I would like play football .
5 – How much did he stay ? Four days .
6 – Where did he arrive ? At three o’clock .
Mini – dialogues :
1 ) Asking about a scientist .
A : ……………………………………………………………………………. ?
B : He works in a science lab .
2) Father : ………………………………………………………………………… ?
Hatem : My friend Maged is Syrian .
Dialogue :
A : What do you do in your spare time ?
B : I read …………………………… .
A : …………….. Do you like to read ?
B : I read sports books .
A : When do you …………………. books ?
B : I …………………. Read them before I sleep .
Match :
- some medicine .
- some clothes .
- is sports .
- to visit a patient .
- to go to bed early .
- who works in a lab . 1 – He went to hospital
2 – The doctor gave the patient
3 – It’s a good habit
4 – A scientist is a person
5 – My favourite programme

Punctuate : 1 – he likes computer football watching tv and music
2 – why don’t you come with us

Unit – 2

يحتاج need يستيقظ Wake up
غاضب angry يطفيء turn off
ربما perhaps يصيح shout
خريطة map حجرة المائدة dinning room
مبتل wet حجرة النوم bed room
يتصل تليفونيا phone الحمام bathroom
أجازة holiday يعني mean
جرائد newspapers داخل inside
قليلا a little يكتشف Find out
الحقيقة The truth أعمال المنزل housework
تذكرة قطار train ticket ينتظر Wait for
مفتاح key يرتب tidy
ينصح advise جار neighbour
يجد find مطار airport
تجربة experiment السياح tourists
طبق plate مشكلة problem
مملوء بـــــــ Full of أرضية الحجرة floor
يضرب / يصطدم hit يسقط fall
يكثف condense الشرطة The police
يتبخر evaporate أسوء worse
يمسك hold تركيا Turkey
سطح surface يسقط / يلقي drop (v)
التكثيف condensation شكل shape
التبخير evaporation دافيء warm
يبرد cool يجمد freeze
قطرات drops (n) تشرق shine
أعلى High up يغوص sink
الأرض the ground الرياح wind
مطر rain يربط Join
هواء air يكون / يشكل form (v)
يغير change السحب clouds
ينسى forget تهب blow
خفيف light الجليد snow
نصيحة advice (n) معا together
تصريفات الأفعال verb conjugation
P.P past Present
joined joined يربطjoin
formed formed يكون / يشكلform
fallen fell يسقطfall
changed changed يغيرchange
condensed condensed يكثفcondense
hit hit يضرب / يصطدمhit
found found يجدfind
sunk sank يغوصsink
shone shone تشرقshine
held held يمسكhold
evaporated evaporated يتبخرevaporate
dropped dropped يسقط / يلقيdrop
Woken up Woke up يستيقظwake up
meant meant يعنيmean

The present continuous المضارع المستمر
( Am – Is – Are ) + V + ing

 He is reading a story .
 They are fishing .
 I'm watching TV .
1 – يصف حدث يتم الآن ومستمر فى الحدوث :
 I'm wearing the coat as it is cold .
3 – يصف حدث سوف يحدث فى المستقبل القريب ولكن خططنا له من قبل أو أعددنا له من قبل :
 I'm going to the cinema tonight .
4 – لا يستخدم مع أفعل الشعور و الملكية و العاطفة :

want – prefer – like – love – hate – belong – have – see – hear believe – mean – understand – forget – remember – seem .

 These shoes belong to me . ( not are belonging to me )
الكلمات الدالة
Now – at the moment – at present – look – listen – still
 He is reading .
 Is he reading ?  What is he reading ?

المضارع البسيطThe present Simple Tense

التكوين : ♣ يتكون الفعل في المضارع البسيط من المصدر + S إذا كان فاعل الجملة مفرد :
( He – She – It – Usama ) drives a bus .
 أو من التصريف الأول فقط إذا كان فاعل الجملة جمع أ الضمير " I " :
 ( I – We – You – They – Students ) go to school at 7.30 a.m .
 الأفعال المنتهية بــ ( O – X – ch – sh – ss ) نضيف إليها (es )
 I do : He does &  We watch : She watches
الفعل المنتهى بــ (Y ) مسبوقة بحرف ساكن تحول إلى (ies )
 I carry : Mona carries &  I say : He says
الاستخدام :
1 – نستخدم المضارع البسيط حينما نتحدث عن عادة أو حدث يتكرر حدوثه فى حياتنا اليومية .
 He gets up at six o'clock .  Ahmed works in a factory .
 We eat lunch at 3 o'clock p.m .  They go to the cinema on Fridays .
2 – يستخدم حينما نتحدث عن الحقائق .
 The sun rises in the east .  Birds fly and fish swim .
لاحظ المضارع البسيط مع ( when & If )

مضارع بسيط & مضارع بسيط When ( If )

 When you boil water , it turns into steam .
 If you freeze water , it becomes ice .
3 – يمكن استخدام المضارع البسيط حينما نتكلم عن خطط السفر .
 The flight to Vienna leaves on Monday .  We arrive in Luxor at 7.30.
الكلمات الدالة
always – usually – generally – often – frequently – sometimes – occasionally
ever – never – every day – rarely – seldom – scarcely – on Mondays .
ملحوظة هامة : هذه الكلمات توضع بعد (Verb to be ) أو قبل الفعل الرئيسي .
♣ Mr. Ahmed is always late for school .
♣ Mr. Ahmed always arrives late .
المضارع البسيط في النفي :
 إذا كان الفعل مضاف إليه (s ) ينفى بــ (doesn't ) وتحذف الــ (s ) .
♣ He studies E. well .  He doesn't study E. well .
 إذا كان الفعل غير منتهى بــ (s ) نستخدم ( don't ) .
♣ I go to school early .  I don't go to school early .
الاستفهام :

♣ He works hard .  Does he work hard ?
♣ They work hard  Do they work hard ?
 إذا كان السؤال به ( does ) يضاف للفعل (s ) أو ( es ) عند الإجابة بالإثبات .
♣ What does he play ?  He plays chess .
Giving advice
عندما تنصح شخص ما تقول :
1 – You should / shouldn't + inf ………..
2 – The best thing to do is to + inf …………….
3 – I advise you to / not to + inf ……………..
4 – If I were you , I’d + inf …………..
5 – You ought to + inf ………….
للرد على النصيحة بالقبول نقول :
1 – Yes , you are right .
2 – That's a great idea .
عدم القبول نقول :
1 – I don't want to do that .
2 – I don't really think so .
3 – Certainly not …….
Choose the correct answer :
1- Mr. Ali is my (aunt – tourist – neighbour – brother ) . He lives near my house .
2- I wake ( up –on –to – of ) at 6 o'clock .
3- I (came –gave- wait – took )for my friend until he came .
4- We have our lunch in the (bedroom-dining room-bathroom-sitting room ) .
5- The police found ( on –up – out – in )that he was the thief .
6- We can see planes in the (street-bus station-railway –airport ) .
7- My father is on his way ( home- house- flat- room ) .
8- Students (may – can – must – might ) obey their teachers .
9- You (must – should – have – was ) practice English outside school .
10- She ( play – played – is playing – playing ) music now .
11- Listen ! They (sing – sang – are singing – singing ) a song .
12- The boys (eat – eats – are eating – ate ) at the moment .
13- She always ( drink – drinks – is drinking – drank ) in the morning .
14-It's raining the weather is (sunny – dry – wet – hot ) .
15- Mohsen went (at – on – of – from ) holiday in Paris .
16- My father always reads the (letter –newspaper – radio – Tv ) in the morning .
17- This box is very heavy, I (need – give –watch – take ) your help .
18- It's a good ( drink –idea – problem – question ) to go to the cinema .
19- He drank a ( few – lot –little – many ) milk .
20-He turned (of –off – on – out ) the tap to get water .
21-The police (catch – catches – catching – is catching ) the thieves .
22- We should (wet – dry –give – drink ) the water on the floor .
23- She ( sleeps- is sleeping- sleep- sleeping ) now .
24- We should (says- tell- say- speak ) them the truth .
25- We should phone them about (who –what –which –why ) has happened .
26- When you put ( wood –paper –stone –steam ) in water , it sinks .
27- When you put a ( ball –stone –metal –dish ) in water , it floats .
28- When you boil water , you get ( ice –steam –air –cold ) .
29- Water ( drops –condenses –evaporates –cools ) when it is heated .
30- Steam (sinks –condenses –evaporates –heats ) when it is cools .
31- ( Heat –Air –Plastic –Steam ) is made by tiny drops of water .
32- When you climb a mountain , air gets ( hotter- warmer –cooler – hot ) .
33- The scientist went to his lab to do a / an ( idea –experiment –fact –story ) .
34- The wind makes things ( clean –dry –wet –hot ) .
35- He ( gives –falls –catches –holds ) his pen to write .
36- When you swim , you get (dry –wet –hot –old ) .
37- The box is full ( to –with –of –at ) toys .
38- When you cool the steam , it ( is turning –turns –turned –turning ) into water .
39- Hot air always ( will rise –rises –rise –is rising ) .
40- If you boil water , you ( gets –get –got –are getting ) steam .
41- ( Why –When –Where –What ) the wind blows over water , it evaporates .
42- When the vapour hits the plate , it ( evaporates- condenses- boils- heats ) .
43- Evaporation is turning water into ( ice –steam –water –cold ) .
44- IT is going to rain , there are dark ( drops –clouds –wind –water ) .
45- Condensation is turning steam into (ice –snow –water –steam ) ,
46- He ( fell –failed –ran –fall ) down while he was playing .
47- ( Dry- Wind – Rain – Air ) makes things wet .
48- ( Air – Ice – snow – Steam ) falls to the ground .
49- We (add –join –take – give ) the two sentences to form one .
49- Snow falls from ( hot – warm –cold – heat ) clouds .
50- When the sun shines on the water (surface –roof-floor-bottom ), water evaporates
Write questions :
1 – The boys are playing football now . ( What )
2 – I finished my homework last night . ( When )
3 – I think Salma is in the bathroom . ( Where )
4 – Water is falling to the dining room . ( What )
5 – There is water every where . ( Where )
6 – No , no one is injured . ( Is )
7 – I'm doing a science experiment . ( What )
8 – The sun rises in the morning . ( When )
9 – When water boils , it turns into steam . ( What happens )
10 – He is a mechanic . ( What )
Rearrange :
1 – water – rises – When – vapour – condenses – it – the sky – into .
2 – water – clouds – When – drops – form – join – they .
3 – clouds – cold – Snow – from – falls .
Correct the underlined words :
1 – It is hot in winter .
2 – It usually rains when it is sunny .
3 – Clothes wet in the sun .
4 – The better thing to do is to look at the map .
5 – Water vapour condenses when it is heated .
6 – If you boil water , you get ice .
7 – Cold air rises up .
8 – They are at holiday .
Dialogue :
A : Why is the kitchen full of steam , Ahmed ?
B : I'm ………………….. a science experiment .
A : What are you doing ?
B : I'm ………………. Water . I want to know how much water is evaporating
A : ………………………. Water is evaporating ?
B : A bout a quarter litre of ……………………. evaporating .
A : I'd like to switch on the TV .
B : ………………….. would you like to watch ?
A : I'd like to watch cartoon .
B : How long ……………… it take ?
A : It takes ……………………….. .
B : …………………… you finished your homework ?
A : Yes , I have .
Mini – dialogues :
1) Mother : Why do you turn on the tap ?
Child : ………………………………………… .

2) Ali : ……………………………………………………… ?
Reda : I drink tea in the morning .

3) A : ………………………………………………………………. ?
B : It gets cooler when you climb a mountain .
Match :
- toys in the dining room .
- her homework yet .
- her homework already .
- the water and tidy the house .
- any money from your neighbour
- in fifteen minutes . 1 – You should turn off
2 – You shouldn't borrow
3 – Salwa was playing with her
4 – Ali will be home
5 – She hasn't finished

Punctuate :
1 – where does soha think salwa is
2 – look he is riding a horse
3 – what else should we do ahmed
4 – i was born in cairo in may 1995
5 – can i have a drink as i m thirsty

Unit - 3

قطع pieces نموذج model
خشبي wooden سكين Knife
نصل / حد / الشفرة Blade أطراف معدنية metal ends
يخمن Guess مقص scissors
يفوز win شاكوش / مطرقة hammer
ملعقة Spoon منشار saw
مندهش Surprised مسمار nail
يبين Show نجار Carpenter
مصنع Factory المنزل المجاور next door
يستعير Borrow أدوات tools
قرية Village زرديه / كلابة / كماشة Pliers
طيب / عطوف / نوع Kind يقطع cut
يرد reply شفرة حادة Sharp blade
يحتاج need أبرة needle
يسلف / يقرض Lend يخيط / يحيك sew
مجلة magazine يثقب / مثقاب drill
يقول say قارب صيد fishing boat
يضيف add مقابض handles
حريص careful آلة قص / قصافة Clippers
يصلح Mend يثبت / يصلح fix
زوجة Wife يحكم / قاعدة rule
طوب bricks حفرة / ثقب hole
كل منهما الأخر Each other سقف roof
يجتاز / يعبر pass الطول Length
يحضر bring حائط wall
يدخل في get in موتور engine
قناة canal يدفع للأمام push
متعاون helpful ودود Friendly
جملة Sentence يحرز Score
يصف Describe يركل Kick
ينسخ Copy يسقط في Fall in
تصريفات الأفعال verb conjugation
P.P past Present
checked checked يفحصcheck
held held يمسكhold
sewn sewed يخيطsew
fixed fixed يثبت / يصلحfix
answered answered يجيبanswer
retired retired يتقاعد – يعتزل retire
won won يفوزwin
moved moved يحرك – ينتقل move
borrowed borrowed يستعيرborrow
arrived arrived يصلarrive
lent lent يسلفlend
written wrote يكتبwrite
given gave يعطي give
known knew يعرفknow
gone went يذهبgo
run ran يجريrun
Brought Brought يحضرbring
said said يقولsay
met met يقابلmeet
passed passed يعبرpass
drunk drank يشربdrink
pushed pushed يدفعpush
Become Became يصبحbecome
built built يبنيbuild

يمسك hold ( I hold a pen to write . )
يقبض عليcatch ( the policeman catches a thief . )
أداة tool ( hammer - saw - pliers )
أداة لأعمال فنية instrument ( dentist's instrument – musical instrument )
آلة بها حركة وتدار بالكهرباء machine ( washing machine )
الماضي البسيطThe past simple tense

 التصرف الثاني للفعل بإضافة d – ed – ied ) ) للفعل المنتظم والفعل الشاذ يحفظ .
 Samy played football yesterday .
Ali went to Cairo last year .

1 – حدث بدأ وانتهى في الماضي  She visited Cairo last month .
2 – عادة كانت تحدث فى الماضى و انتهت . When I was young , I went to Alexandria 3 – يستخدم مع الكلمات الآتية :

Yesterday – last – ago – once – one day – in ( 1999 ) – in the past
in the old days – in the ancient times – this ( morning , evening …..)

سؤال بـــــ " هل "
 Did you visit Cairo last week ?  Yes, I did .  No, I didn't .
سؤال بـــــ " أداة استفهام "
 What did you study yesterday ?  I studied English and maths .

الأسماء الموصولة Relative clauses

الذي – التي ( تستخدم مع "العاقل " ) 1- Who Ex : A servant is a person who works for somebody in his house .
الذي – التي ( تستخدم مع " غير العاقل " ) 2- Which Ex : Blood is the red liquid which goes round your body .
الذي – التي (تستخدم مع " العاقل و غير العاقل " ) 3- That Ex : Ali is the person that sells meat .
This the house that Ali built .
حيث ( تستخدم لتوضيح "المكان " ) 4- Where Ex : This is the house where my friend lives .
عندما ( وتستخدم لتوضيح " الزمان " ) 5 – When
Ex : February is the month when I was born .
Choose the correct answer :
1- A ( teacher – doctor – carpenter – fisher ) makes bed and chairs .
2- He uses a ( scissors – saw – drill – nail ) to cut wood .
3- A carpenter must have ( machines – tools – toys – pens ) to make things .
4- I cut bread with a ( spoon – knife – saw – hammer ) .
5- we cut cloth with ( drill – hammer – knife – scissors ) .
6- ( Saws - Drills – Hammers – Pliers ) are used to hold and cut metal .
7- We use ( drills – hammers – pliers – saws ) to fix nails into wood .
8- We use (saws – drills – hammers – pliers ) to make holes in the ground .
9- The hammer is a / an ( tool – machine – instrument – book ) .
10- Soheir ( saws – sews – sees – sows ) her skirt by herself .
11- A ( drill – nail – needle – scissors ) is used for sewing .
12- My neighbour lives ( next –far – away – beside ) door .
13- A rat is an animal ( who – which – where – when ) doesn't like cats .
14- This is the man ( who – which – where – when ) lives next door .
15- This is the school ( that – who – which – where ) I learn .
16- It is the room ( who – which – where – when ) Mai works .
17- He always ( go – goes – going – is going ) to school late .
18- ( Do – Does – Doing – is ) he make models ?
19- People ( grow – run – design – retire ) at the age of sixty .
20- A Knife has a ( bad – sharp – small – long ) end .
21- Pliers are made of (soft – paper – wood – hard ) metal .
22- I was (surprised – won – spoken – written ) when I saw a monkey in my room .
23- A ( scissors – saw – drill – needle ) has got a hole through the end .
24- ( Hammers – Knives – Drills – Scissors ) have two metal blades and handles .
25- A ( knife – saw – drill – hammer ) is apiece of wood with a heavy metal head .
26- A ( Knife – saw – drill – hammer ) is a long metal blade with sharp teeth .
27- We ( is using – use – uses – using ) pliers to cut or hold metal .
28- A cake is made (with – of – from – to ) flour and sugar .
29- I go to bed (before – after – when – that ) I do my homework .
30- Could you ( lend – borrow – make – read ) me your book , please ?
31- Can I ( lend – borrow – make - write ) your book , please ?
32- The top of house is called ( flat – floor – roof – home ) .
33- Farmers lives in ( cities – villages – towns – ships ) .
34- Seif is ( careless – careful – useful – useless ) with his money , he doesn't like to spend money .
35- No one likes him because he is not ( kind – cruel – bad – help ) .
36- Houses are built of ( metal – bricks – water – paper ) .
37- It was a difficult question ; he couldn't ( say – reply – speak – tell ) .
38- I ( think –thanked – cried – shouted ) him because he helped me .
39- He is a taxi ( driver – rider – teacher – reader ) .
40- Yesterday, my father (buy – is buying – bought – buys ) me a camera .
41- He (took – gives – gave – is giving ) him the tools which he needed .
42- ( Had – Do – Does – Did ) you have ice cream yesterday ?
43- I ( visit – visited – visiting – visits ) my uncle yesterday .
44- He has ( little – much – more – many ) money more than his brother .
45- Can you ( eat – meat – push – arrive ) this car with me .
46- I have ( a reply-a question-a problem-a hand ) with my car . I can't move .
47- He is not a good person ; (anyone-everyone-someone-no one)wants to help him .
48- He ( says – said – spoke – told ) aloud because I couldn't hear him .
49- Working at night is ( tire – tired – tiring – tear ) .
50- Sewing is done by a sewing ( machine – tool – engine – play ) .
51- Thank you for ( push – pushing – pushed – pushes ) my car .
52- The two neighbours helped ( each – one – every – all ) other .
53- The car has a problem ( in – on – at – with ) its engine .
54- I don't like ( borrow-borrowing-borrows-borrowed ) things from other people .
55- The donkey ( pulls – pushes – carries – rides ) the cart .
Dialogue :
A : Hello Magdy . ………………………………………………. ?
B : Hello Nader . I'm going to the market .
A : What …………………….. buy ?
B : I'll buy …………………………………. .
A : When will you ………………………. ?
B : At 2 o'clock .

Mini-dialogues :
A : What is your father ?
B : …………………………………………………………………….. .
b) A : ……………………………………………………………………. ?
B : I read stories in my spare time .
Match :
1 – Ali was rich , but - Walid fell down .
2 – He was playing - to get water .
3 – While we were playing - Magdy didn't have much money .
4 – Samir always lends - to play .
5 – I turned on the tap - football yesterday .
- his friend money .
Rearrange :
1 – frightened – dream – He – had – was – he – a – because – bad .
2 – checks – garage – in – Mechanics – engines – a .
3 – wet – People – get – swim – when – they .
4 - too – much – Don't – rice .
5 - in – animals – Are – interested – you ?
punctuate :
1 – islam and aziza live in cairo
2 – i haven t met hala yet
3 - do ali and mona live abroad
4- i ve been to aswan twice
Read the following passage and answer the questions
Gamal and Nabil are at prep school . Last year , in July , they flew to England to spend a nice time there . There friend Tom was waiting for them at the airport . He welcomed them . They were very pleased because it was the first time for them to visit England . They saw a famous clock called Big Ben and visit London Tower . By the end of August , they came back to Cairo .
Questions :
1- What is Big Ben ?
2- How did Gamal and Nabil go to London ?
3- Gamal and Nabil are ........( farmers - sailors - students - divers )
4- They went to London in ... ( winter - spring - summer - autumn )
5- They visited London (once - twice - three times - many times )

Unit – 4

صاحب محل Shopkeeper غير عادي unusual
أكثر ظلاما darker كارتون Cartoon
يدور turn عربة نقل lorry
خلف behind مصور Photographer
مصنع factory جزار butcher
دخان smoke يحدث happen
يصيح shout يهرب escape
عنوان مقال - كتاب title قسم الشرطة Police station
ابنه daughter جهاز لاسلكي radio
ساعة hour خائف Frightened
السيرك circus خائف terrified
كل واحد everyone قلق worried
مقابلة meeting الإفطار breakfast
رائع / مدهش fantastic فاكهة fruit
محظوظ lucky يطارد chase
مشتعل فيه النيران On fire صمغ / يلصق glue
يبيع sell حفل زفاف wedding
يشم smell أمريكا America
يشير point مضيفة جوية Flight attendant
الدور العلوي The top floor يشعر feel
عربة إسعاف ambulance فكرة idea
حلم dream يعتني بـــــ Look after
يدور في دائرة Circle (v) قصة story
ملحوظة / يدون note يسمع hear
فضاء space بصوت عالي Loudly
حقل field المرض illness
حرارة heat فرقة إطفاء Fire brigade
أحترس Be careful محطة إطفاء Fire station
هدف Goal صوت sound
أنف nose زوج pair
لهب flame يبكي cry
رحلة طويلة journey رحلة بحرية أو فضائية Voyage
رحلة طيران flight رحلة للنزهة trip
عنوان ( شخص ) address نزهة Picnic
تصريفات الأفعال verb conjugation
P.P past Present
read read يقرأread
heard heard يسمعhear
flown flew يطيرfly
felt felt يشعرfeel
stood stood يقفstand
begun began يبدأbegin
sold sold يبيعsell
smelt smelt يشمsmell
chased chased يطاردchase
slept slept ينامsleep
taken took يأخذtake
had had يملكhave
cut cut يقطعcut
drunk drank يشربdrink
shopped shopped يتسوقshop

الماضي المستمر The past continuous tense

Was / Were + V –ing

 He was playing chess .
 They were reading stories .

1- حدث استمر فترة فى الماضي :
 He was studying at five .
2 – حدث كان مستمرا عندما قطع استمراره حدث أخر :
 While I was going to the mosque , I met Omar .
لاحظ ا لأتى

( ماضي بسيط ) , ( ماضي مستمر ) فاعل
Just as
 While I was doing my homework , my father came .
لاحظ الجمل الآتية مع "When " :
 When my father came , I was watching TV .
 When I was watching TV , my father came .
 When The thief saw the police , he ran away .
لذلك " " When تفهم من سياق الكلام ( حسب المعنى ) .
يوجد للمفرد There is ( There is a pen on the table . )
يوجد للجمع There are ( There are some pens on the table . )
لكن لاحظ هذة الجمل
 There is a lorry taking a lion to the zoo .
 There are two boys playing with a ball .
لاحظ كيف كانت هذة الجملة....... كالأتي :
 There is a lorry which is taking a lion to the zoo .
 There are two boys who are playing with a ball .
يمكن حذف الاسم الموصول اذا حل محل فاعل بشرط أن نضع الفعل بعده مضافا اليه " ing "
ومن أمثلة ذلك
 There is a young girl who is watching the plants .
 There is a young girl watching the plants .
 There is a butcher who is cutting meat with a knife .
 There is a butcher cutting meat with a knife .

Choose the correct answer :
1- A ( carpenter – butcher – teacher – doctor ) sells meat .
2- My uncle is a good ( picture – photograph – photographer – write ) .
3- My mother went shopping in the ( garage – workshop – market – house ) .
4- Sam is a ( plane – lorry – rocket – cow ) driver .
5- Farmers should (write – water – drink – carry ) plants .
6- Children like to watch ( books – cartoon – reading – photos ) .
7- They are ( reading - sailing – playing – shopping ) in the market
8- He ( play – played – is playing – playing ) now .
9- He broke his leg while he ( play – played – was playing – plays ) football .
10- She was going home when she (see – saw – seeing – was seeing ) an accident .
12- They ( plays – played – were playing – playing ) all the evening yesterday .
13- He ( cross – crossed – was crossed – was crossing ) the street when a car hit him .
14- I usually have my ( dinner-lunch-breakfast-supper ) at 8 o'clock in the morning .
15- The boy ( climbed – ran – left – went ) the tree to get his ball .
16- The lion ( write – read – escape – bought ) and ate the butcher's meat .
17- The child is ( nice – pleased – happy – frightened ) of this big dog .
18- Samar was late and her mother was (hungry-happy-worried-pleased ) about her .
19- He( left – went – took – gave ) his office and went home .
20- The girl ( bring – bought – brought – took ) the cat some milk .
21- The policeman used his radio to ask ( about –to – for – with ) help .
22- What ( was he doing-would he do-can he do-is he do ) when the lorry arrived .
23- He was (terrifies – terrified – terror – terrifying ) when he saw the lion .
24- The policeman spoke to the police station ( in – on -at – for ) his radio .
25- The boys ( are having –were having-have- has ) a game when they saw the lion .
26- There is a cat ( is chasing – chase – chasing – chased ) a mouse .
27- There is a lorry ( take – is taking – takes – taking ) a lion to a zoo .
28- There is a girl (water – watering – waters – is watering ) the plants .
29- I have got a /an ( book-matter-idea-subject ). Why don't we go to the cinema ? .
30- Dorothy was ( angry-sad-lucky-frightened ) when she found doctors to help her .
31- The flight ( attendant-attendance-attention-attend ) looks after the passenger on the plane .
32-They were pleased with the film . It was ( boring – fantastic – frightened – bad ) .
33- The factory is ( in – with – at – on ) fire .
34- They were ( from – in – on – at ) their way to school .
35- She felt ( ill – illness – badly – nicely ) .
36- She was ( surprise – surprising – surprised – surprises ) when she found a lot of doctors on the plane .
37- The friends (talk-were talking-was talking-talks ) happily when they met .
38- Who ( go – did go – went – going ) to America ?
39- Why is the sky ( gets – get – got – getting ) dark ?
40- She pointed ( about – to – on – of ) some smoke .
41- There were a lot of people in the market . It was (empty-busy-noise-happy ) .
42- They telephoned the ( bus – taxi – ambulance – teacher ) to come and take the injured man .
43- Sara ( gives –took –phoned –gave ) the fire station as the house was on fire .
44- She ( told – forgot – felt – escaped ) to take the medicine .
45- He was very sad because he had a ( bad – happy – good – useful ) dream .
46- Her flat was on fire , so she phoned the ( police - fire- bus- filling ) station .
47- The thief ran away and was able to ( arrest – escape – catch – eat ) .
48- The mother is worried but the doctor said , her son is going to be ( fine – ill – bad – sad ) .
49- She didn't hear him although he spoke ( loud – loudly – easy – silently ) 50- Yesterday , he ( needing – need – needs – needed ) a pen to write .
51- Last year he ( passes – pass – passed – was passing ) the exam .
52- He ( is – wasn't – didn't – isn't ) meet her again .
53- A year ago he ( will – is – was – would be ) in a preparatory school .
53- He was ( terrifies – terrified – terrifying – terrify ) when he saw a lion .
53- Yesterday he ( eat – has – have – had ) a good meal .
54- We saw funny clowns at the ( circus – factory – university – school ) .
55- My toy was broken . I need some ( glue – paper – wood – water ) .
Mini – dialogues :
1) A : ………………………………………………………. ?
B : He is running to catch the train .
2) A : What were you doing when I phoned you ?
B : ………………………………………………………….. .
3) A : ………………………………………………………….. ?
B : I was having my breakfast at seven .
Punctuate :
1 – why did ali and sami go to alex
2 – can i take your english book
3 – was he reading when i phoned
Complete the following dialogue :
Omar : What is your favourite sport ?
Ali :------------------------------------.
Omar : Where ---------------------------?
Ali : In the club .
Omar : How often do you play football ?
Ali :………………………………….. .
Complete the following dialogue :
Samir : Do you enjoy your stay here in Cairo ?
Tourist : Yes , …………………………………….. .
Samir : Where …………………………………….. ?
Tourist : I'm staying at the Hilton Hotel .
Samir : Do you like Egyptian food ?
Tourist : …………………………………….. .
Read and answer the following :
My name is Yasser and I'm captain of our football team at school . I like playing and watching football matches especially between Ahly and Zamalek . In a football team , there are ten players and a goalkeeper . They should kick the ball , they mustn't touch it with their hands . I like atching football matches on TV at home . I like Ahly very much , but my sister Dina likes Zamalek .
A) Answer the following questions :
1 – What is Yasser's favourite team ?
2 – How many players are there in a football team ?
B) Choose the correct answer :
3 – In a football game , players should ( jump – kick – touch ) the ball .
4 – ( Yasser – father – Dina ) likes Zamalek .
5 – Yasser is the captain of the team at ( Brazil – Ahly – school ) .
Write questions to these sentences :
1 – They will leave Tanta next Monday . ( When )
2 – The box weighs about 40 kilograms . ( How heavy )
3 – She likes Arabic best . ( Which )
4 – We bought two kilos of sugar . ( How much )
5 – Soha's uncle is a businessman . ( What )
6 – Ali and Amira will fly to London next week . ( Who )
correct the underlined words :
1 – While I reading , I slept .
2 – Mother was shopping in the zoo .
3 – The baker cuts the meat with the knife .
4 – The factory is in fire .
5 – What is the address of the story .
6 – Who did see the smoke ?
7 – He feels illness .
ياسر احمد
ياسر احمد
ادارة المنتدى
ادارة المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 384
التقييم : 0
تاريخ التسجيل : 20/11/2009
العمر : 44


الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة

صلاحيات هذا المنتدى:
لاتستطيع الرد على المواضيع في هذا المنتدى