مـــــدرســــــة ابونشـــابـــة الاعداديـــــــة
ادارة منتدى مدرسة ابونشابة الاعدادية ترحب بكم ةنرجوا منكم التسجيل لتكونوا احد اعضائنا ونرجوا المساهمة بمواضيع جيدة ليستفيد منها الجميع

انضم إلى المنتدى ، فالأمر سريع وسهل

مـــــدرســــــة ابونشـــابـــة الاعداديـــــــة
ادارة منتدى مدرسة ابونشابة الاعدادية ترحب بكم ةنرجوا منكم التسجيل لتكونوا احد اعضائنا ونرجوا المساهمة بمواضيع جيدة ليستفيد منها الجميع
مـــــدرســــــة ابونشـــابـــة الاعداديـــــــة
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

امتحان اكتوبر للصف الثانى الاعدادى

اذهب الى الأسفل

امتحان اكتوبر للصف الثانى الاعدادى Empty امتحان اكتوبر للصف الثانى الاعدادى

مُساهمة من طرف ياسر احمد الإثنين أكتوبر 10, 2011 12:12 pm

Mr. Mohamed Sheir October Test 1

1- Finish the following dialogue :
Mother is phoning Sally
Mother : Hello, Sally……..(1)……………..are you?
Sally : Fine, but I can't ……..(2)……….. the door key.
Mother: Don't worry .Where are you now?
Sally :I'm…………(3)………..at a supermarket near the house
Mother: Ok.I'll .....(4)........... back in back in ten minutes
Sally :Well , I'm waiting for you ,mum.
2- Supply the missing parts in the following mini-dialogues:
(a) Arwa : Have you got any money?
Salma : ........................................... .
(b) Hazem : .......................................... ?
Nabila : When water boils,it turns into steam .
3- Read and match :
(A) (B)
1- When you climb a mountain, a- past nine now.
2-It is half b- is injured.
3- If you put the plate on the steam, c- water and boil it.
4- Fill a kettle with d-air slowly gets cooler.
5-No one e- you get drops of water.
f- books,please.
4- Read the following, then answer the questions:
There were two men traveling across the desert. They lost their way .They thought it was the end of their lives. They left their bags and walked slowly. Suddenly one of them said," The best things to do when you are lost is to look at a map." They looked at each other and ran back to their bags. They took out the map from one of the two bags. They looked at it carefully and knew the right way
A- Answer the following questions:
1- When did the two men leave their bags?
2- One of them remembered a good advice .What was it ?
B- Choose the correct answer from a,b,c or d:
3- The two men were traveling across the ................ .
a) desert b) village c) town d) sea
4- The underlined word "it" means .........
a) map b) bag c) man d) desert
5The map helped them know ......... they were.
a) when b) why c) what d) where
5- Choose the correct answer from a, b or c:
1- When you are ill the best thing to do is ......... a doctor
a) saw b) to see c) see d) seen
2- The sun ...... in the morning.
a) rise b) to rise c) risen d) rises
3- What lesson ........ Soha and Fatma studying now?
a) is b) are c) was d) be
4- You should turn ..... the water and tidy the house.
a) off b) on c) in d) of
5-........... is ice which falls from cold clouds
a) Water b) Snow c) Rain d) Tea
6- She made a ......... of coffee .but she forgot to drink it
a) dish b) plate c) box d) cup
7-............ a kettle with water and boil it
a) Play b) Fill c) Draw d) Listen
8- When you ............ water,some of it turns into steam.
a) drink b) cool c) freeze d) boil
6- Write questions using the words in brackets:
1- I was watching TV last night. (What)
2- Alaa went to England last year. (When)
3- She went to school late because she missed the bus. (Why)
7- Read and correct the underlined words:
1- The best things to do when you are lost is to look after a map
2- When water boils , it turns into ice.
3- How are clouds form?
8- Look at the picture and write a short paragraph of sentences:
(The words in the box may help you.) (A doctor )
( hospital - ill children - examine - medicine )

My mother is a dctor.

9- Punctuate the following sentence:
1-what re you doing zeinab
2-i ve finished my english homework
ياسر احمد
ياسر احمد
ادارة المنتدى
ادارة المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 384
التقييم : 0
تاريخ التسجيل : 20/11/2009
العمر : 44


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